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Nassau Bay, courtesy of NASA!

My Village of origin is approaching seven decades. Prior to 1961, nothing was there except Clear Creek, acres of grazing grasses, the creek also provided necessary drainage to Clear Lake. The mixing of fresh and salty seawater provided a ecosystem to support all types of shell-fish, other tasty crustaceans, and Galveston Bay. The three waterways, combined, provided the route to the Port of Houston.
I will stop there, with the historic evolution and bring you back to the Village of Nassau Bay, my own cornerstone.

Effective ways to open up with strangers.
Publié :2/8/2024 14h00
Dernière mise à jour :8/10/2024 12h58
2475 vues

Being a member of this particular website, I knew that 90% or more would be a "stranger". I assume, their purpose is to bring opportunities to those who join, ways and formats to assist us in bringing down barriers so we no longer are.

Creating blogs is one way to introduce yourself to others, who are
definitely "strangers". Stepping out, opening yourself to others, is a scary task. But, for many, it is the opposite. A feeling of jumping into a ripple free swimming pool, creating a tidal wave event, by saying HELLO EVERYBODY, with no fear of the after affects. It boils down to the original question, effective ways to "open up" to strangers. Better put, meeting the "new "guy" or "gal".

Obviously this is my first attempt here. Exploring the myriad of forums available and how they were used, my conclusion is pretty much ingrained. It can also be wrong.

Share with me, your effective way that successfully reverses stranger to one of sharing.

I look forward to the interest of this in any direction it serves.

Remember it's a 1st, a day ending in y, and officially the middle of Summer!

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